====== 1.4.1 Ensure permissions on bootloader config are configured (Scored) ====== =====Profile Applicability===== Level 1 - Server Level 1 - Workstation =====Description===== The grub configuration file contains information on boot settings and passwords for unlocking boot options. The grub configuration is usually ''grub.cfg'' stored in ''/boot/grub''. =====Rationale===== Setting the permissions to read and write for root only prevents non-root users from seeing the boot parameters or changing them. Non-root users who read the boot parameters may be able to identify weaknesses in security upon boot and be able to exploit them. =====Audit===== Run the following command and verify ''Uid'' and ''Gid'' are both ''0/root'' and ''Access'' does not grant permissions to ''group'' or ''other'': # stat /boot/grub/grub.cfg Access: (0600/-rw-------) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root) =====Remediation===== Run the following commands to set permissions on your grub configuration: # chown root:root /boot/grub/grub.cfg # chmod og-rwx /boot/grub/grub.cfg =====Notes===== This recommendation is designed around the grub bootloader, if LILO or another bootloader is in use in your environment enact equivalent settings.