====== 2.1.8 Ensure telnet server is not enabled (Scored)====== =====Profile Applicability===== Level 1 - Server Level 1 - Workstation =====Description===== The ''telnet-server'' package contains the ''telnet'' daemon, which accepts connections from users from other systems via the ''telnet'' protocol. =====Rationale===== The ''telnet'' protocol is insecure and unencrypted. The use of an unencrypted transmission medium could allow a user with access to sniff network traffic the ability to steal credentials. The ''ssh'' package provides an encrypted session and stronger security. =====Audit===== Verify the ''telnet'' service is not enabled. Run the following commands and verify results are as indicated: grep -R "^telnet" /etc/inetd.* No results should be returned \\ \\ check ''/etc/xinetd.conf'' and ''/etc/xinetd.d/*'' and verify all ''telnet'' services have ''disable = yes'' set. =====Remediation===== Comment out or remove any lines starting with ''telnet'' from ''/etc/inetd.conf'' and ''/etc/inetd.d/*''.\\ Set ''disable = yes'' on all ''telnet'' services in ''/etc/xinetd.conf'' and ''/etc/xinetd.d/*''.