====== 4.1.18 Ensure the audit configuration is immutable (Scored) ====== =====Profile Applicability===== Level 2 - Server Level 2 - Workstation =====Description===== Set system audit so that audit rules cannot be modified with ''auditctl''. Setting the flag ''-e 2'' forces audit to be put in immutable mode. Audit changes can only be made on system reboot. =====Rationale===== In immutable mode, unauthorized users cannot execute changes to the audit system to potentially hide malicious activity and then put the audit rules back. Users would most likely notice a system reboot and that could alert administrators of an attempt to make unauthorized audit changes. =====Audit===== Run the following command and verify output matches: # grep "^\s*[^#]" /etc/audit/audit.rules | tail -1 -e 2 =====Remediation===== Add the following line to the end of the/etc/audit/audit.rules file. -e 2