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1.3.2 Ensure filesystem integrity is regularly checked (Scored)

Profile Applicability

Level 1 - Server 
Level 1 - Workstation


Periodic checking of the filesystem integrity is needed to detect changes to the filesystem.


Periodic file checking allows the system administrator to determine on a regular basis if critical files have been changed in an unauthorized fashion.


Run the following commands to determine if there is a cron job scheduled to run the aide check.

# crontab -u root -l | grep aide 
# grep -r aide /etc/cron.* /etc/crontab

Ensure a cron job in compliance with site policy is returned.


Run the following command:

# crontab -u root -e

Add the following line to the crontab:

0 5 * * * /usr/sbin/aide --check


The checking in this recommendation occurs every day at 5am. Alter the frequency and time of the checks in compliance with site policy.