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1.1.12 Ensure separate partition exists for /home (Scored)

Profile Applicability

Level 2 - Server 
Level 2 - Workstation


The /home directory is used to support disk storage needs of local users.


If the system is intended to support local users, create a separate partition for the /home directory to protect against resource exhaustion and restrict the type of files that can be stored under /home.


Run the following command and verify output shows /home is mounted:

# mount | grep /home 
/dev/xvdf1 on /home type ext4 (rw,nodev,relatime,data=ordered)


For new installations, during installation create a custom partition setup and specify a separate partition for /home. For systems that were previously installed, create a new partition and configure /etc/fstab as appropriate.


Resizing filesystems is a common activity in cloud-hosted servers. Separate filesystem partitions may prevent successful resizing, or may require the installation of additional tools solely for the purpose of resizing operations. The use of these additional tools may introduce their own security considerations.


AJ Lewis, “LVM HOWTO”,