Table of Contents

2.1.7 Ensure talk server is not enabled (Scored)

Profile Applicability

Level 1 - Server 
Level 1 - Workstation


The talk software makes it possible for users to send and receive messages across systems through a terminal session. The talk client (allows initiate of talk sessions) is installed by default.


The software presents a security risk as it uses unencrypted protocols for communication.


Verify the talk service is not enabled. Run the following commands and verify results are as indicated:

grep -R "^talk" /etc/inetd.*
grep -R "^ntalk" /etc/inetd.*

No results should be returned

check /etc/xinetd.conf and /etc/xinetd.d/* and verify all talk services have disable = yes set.


Comment out or remove any lines starting with talk or ntalk from /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/inetd.d/*.
Set disable = yes on all talk and ntalk services in /etc/xinetd.conf and /etc/xinetd.d/*.