4.2.3 Ensure rsyslog or syslog-ng is installed (Scored)

Level 1 - Server 
Level 1 - Workstation

The rsyslog and syslog-ng software are recommended replacements to the original syslogd daemon which provide improvements over syslogd, such as connection-oriented (i.e. TCP) transmission of logs, the option to log to database formats, and the encryption of log data en route to a central logging server.

The security enhancements of rsyslog and syslog-ng such as connection-oriented (i.e. TCP) transmission of logs, the option to log to database formats, and the encryption of log data en route to a central logging server) justify installing and configuring the package.

Verify either rsyslog or syslog-ng is installed. Depending on the package management in use one of the following command groups may provide the needed information:

# rpm -q rsyslog 
# rpm -q syslog-ng

Install rsyslog or syslog-ng using one of the following commands:

# yum install rsyslog 
# yum install syslog-ng

The syslog-ng package requires the EPEL7 and Optional repositories be enabled. See https://czanik.blogs.balabit.com/2015/09/installing-syslog-ng-ose-3-7-1-on-rhel6-and-centos6/ for more information.

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  • Last modified: 2017/05/04 18:24
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