Ensure syslog-ng is configured to send logs to a remote log host (Scored)

Level 1 - Server 
Level 1 - Workstation

The syslog-ng utility supports the ability to send logs it gathers to a remote log host or to receive messages from remote hosts, reducing administrative overhead.

Storing log data on a remote host protects log integrity from local attacks. If an attacker gains root access on the local system, they could tamper with or remove log data that is stored on the local system

Review the /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf file and verify that logs are sent to a central host (where logfile.example.com is the name of your central log host):

destination logserver { tcp("logfile.example.com" port(514)); }; 
log { source(src); destination(logserver); };

Edit the /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf file and add the following lines (where logfile.example.com is the name of your central log host).

destination logserver { tcp("logfile.example.com" port(514)); }; 
log { source(src); destination(logserver); };

Run the following command to restart syslog-ng:

# pkill -HUP syslog-ng

See the rsyslog.conf(5) man page for more information.

  • ubuntu1604/4/2/2/4.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/05/03 01:24
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